picture tube

英 美
  • n. 显像管
  • picador n.骑马斗牛士;老练机智的论客;机敏的辩论
  • picaninny n.<贬>黑人小孩;澳大利亚土著小孩
  • picao abbr.ProvisionalInternationalCivilAviationOrganization临时国际民用航空组织
  • picara n.女无赖;女流氓
  • picaresque adj.流浪汉的;冒险者的;流浪汉题材小说的n.流浪汉;有传奇式冒险事迹的人
  1. a cathode-ray tube in a television receiver; translates the received signal into a picture on a luminescent screen

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. How much would it cost to have the picture tube in my television replaced?
    2. We were going to visit a color picture tube factory and a Samsung-Corning joint venture glass factory.

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